116 件中 21 - 40 件目
国際会議 :25th UEG Week , 2017年10月 , Barcelona, Spain , (Poster Champ Session: Liver, biliary and pancreatic diseases *SELECTED FOR POSTER OF EXCELLENCE) Plasma DNA genotyping using digital PCR for surveillance of pancreatic cancer in high-risk individuals.
国際会議 :25th UEG Week , 2017年10月 , Barcelona, Spain , (Poster Champ Session: Liver, biliary and pancreatic diseases *SELECTED FOR BEST POSTER AWARD) Concomitant pancreatic cancers arising adjacent to index IPMN share identical KRAS mutations and are associated with a favorable prognosis.
国際会議 :20th meeting of the International Association of Pancreatology; in conjunction with the 47th annual meeting of the Japan Pancreas Society (JPS) and the 6th meeting of the Asian- Oceanic Pancreatic Association (AOPA) , 2016年08月 , Sendai, Japan , (Forum 05: Pancreatic Cancer Biomarker) Plasma DNA genotyping using digital PCR; Novel diagnostic tool for early detection of pancreatic cancer
国際会議 :46th Annual Meeting of the American Pancreatic Association , 2015年11月 , San Diego, USA , (Poster session) Plasma DNA genotyping using digital PCR for early detection of pancreatic neoplasm.
国際会議 :2015 Gastrointestinal Cancers Symposium , 2015年01月 , San Francisco, USA , (General Poster Session B; Cancers of the Pancreas, Small Bowel, and Hepatobiliary Tract; Board #A46) Adenosquamous cell carcinoma derived from intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm of the pancreas confirmed by genetic analysis.
国際会議 :2015 Gastrointestinal Cancers Symposium , 2015年01月 , San Francisco, USA , (General Poster Session B: Cancers of the Pancreas, Small Bowel, and Hepatobiliary Tract; Board #B51) Metachronous pancreatic cancer originating from disseminated founder pancreatic intraductal neoplasias.
国際会議 :American Society of Hematology 55th Annual Meeting , 2013年12月 , New Orleans, USA , (Poster session) Increased angiogenic property of human peripheral blood monocytes by ex vivo culture with c-Mpl agonists in hindlimb ischemia mouse model.
国際会議 :The 6th International Symposium on ALPD and Cirrhosis , 2011年10月 , Fukuoka, Japan , (Session 1: Stem cells in ALD, liver and pancreatic cancer) Bone marrow-derived proangiogenic cells in pancreatic cancer.
国際会議 :2011 Gastrointestinal Cancers Symposium , 2011年01月 , San Francisco, USA , (Poster session) Transplantion of pro-angiogenic monocytes to pancreatic cancer-bearing mice attenuates resistance to chemotherapy/radiotherapy.
国際会議 :第8回 Korea-Japan Joint Symposium on Vascular Biology , 2010年12月 , 大阪 , (若手優秀演題口演発表)The paracrine effect of hedgehog on the tumor vasculature emerges at later stages of pancreatic tumorigenesis.
国際会議 :The 1st JSGE International Topic Conference , 2010年09月 , Kamakura, Japan , (Plenary Session III, Pancreas (1)) ANGIOGENESIS & STEMNESS IN PANCREATIC CANCER: THERAPEUTIC IMPLICATIONS.
国際会議 :9th International Conference of The Asian Clinical Oncology Society , 2010年08月 , Gifu, Japan , (Mini Symposium 8; Recent advances in pancreatic cancer) Transplanting normal vascular proangiogenic cells to tumor-bearing mice triggers vascular remodeling and reduced hypoxia in tumors.
国際会議 :Joint Meeting of the International Association of Pancreatology and the Japan Pancreas Society 2010 , 2010年07月 , Fukuoka, Japan , (JPS Symposium 2; Translational Research for Future Therapy of Pancreatic Cancer) Remodeling abnormal tumor vasculatures by transplantation of vascular progenitor cells reduces tumor hypoxia and drug resistance in pancreatic cancer.
国際会議 :16th International Vascular Biology Meeting , 2010年06月 , San Francisco, USA , (Plenary session: Status quo in Tumor Angiogenesis) Mizukami Y, Sasajima J, Kawamoto T, Sugiyama Y, Nakamura K, Koizumi, K, Sato K, Suzuki Y, Fujiya M, Kohgo K.
国際会議 :Digestive Disease Week 2010 , 2010年05月 , New Orleans, USA , (AGA Plenary session; Notch and Shh Signaling in Gastrointestinal Homeostasis) The tumor vasculature is a paracrine target of Hedgehog in pancreatic cancer.
国際会議 :Digestive Disease Week 2010 , 2010年05月 , Chicago, USA , (Topic Forum; Biology of the Pancreas) The paracrine effect of hedgehog on bone marrow-derived stromal cells occurs at later stages of pancreatic tumorigenesis.
国際会議 :American Association of Hematology 51th Annual Meeting , 2009年12月 , New Orleans, USA , (Poster session) Hedgehog promotes neovascularization through the regulation of bone-marrow derived progenitors.
国際会議 :AACR Annual Meeting 2008 , 2009年04月 , Denver, CO , Tumor Biology 45; Minisymposia, Endothelial progenitors: Induction of Angiogenesis. Sonic hedgehog induces tumor angiogenesis through the activation of endothelial progenitor cells in human pancreatic cancer.
国際会議 :Keystone Symposia , 2009年01月 , Big Sky, Montana , Angiogenesis and Lymphangiogenesis in Cancer (A2). Plenary Session. Hedgehog signaling regulates angiogenesis in pancreatic cancer.
国際会議 :The 6th Korea-Japan Joint Symposium on Vascular Biology , 2008年12月 , Kanazawa , Plenary Session. Hedgehog signaling regulates angiogenesis in pancreatic cancer.
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