Academic Research Staff

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Results 1 - 10 of about 12

ABE Satomi [ Assistant Professor ]
Hospital, Orthopaedic Surgery
Orthopaedic surgery, Molecular biology
FUNAKOSHI Hiroshi [ Professor ]
School of Medicine, Medical Course, Basic Medicine, Department of Advanced Medical Science
Molecular biology, General medical chemistry
HASHIMOTO Michihiro [ Assistant Professor ]
School of Medicine, Medical Course, Basic Medicine, Department of Advanced Medical Science
Laboratory animal science, Cell biology, Molecular biology, Pathological medical chemistry
KANEKO Toshiyuki [ Assistant Professor ]
School of Medicine, Medical Course, Basic Medicine, Physiology[Autonomous Function]
General physiology, Plant molecular biology/Plant physiology, Biomedical engineering/Biomaterial science and engineering
KAWABE Jun-ichi [ Professor ]
President /Vice-President
Cardiovascular medicine, Cell biology, Pathological medical chemistry
MATSUDA Yasuyuki [ Assistant Professor ]
School of Medicine, Medical Course, Basic Medicine, Microbiology and Immunochemistry
Molecular biology, Cell biology, Functional biochemistry, Pathological medical chemistry
UEDA Jun [ Associate Professor ]
School of Medicine, Medical Course, Basic Medicine, Department of Advanced Medical Science
Developmental biology, Genetics/Chromosome dynamics, Laboratory animal science
WATANABE Tsuyoshi [ Professor ]
School of Medicine, Medical Course, Basic Medicine, Anatomy[Microscopic Anatomy and Cell Biology]
Endocrinology, Cell biology, General anatomy (including histology/embryology)
School of Medicine, Medical Course, Basic Medicine, -
Molecular biology, Cell biology, Biochemistry, Neuroendocrinology
YAMAGUCHI Yohei [ Assistant Professor(Moving Out and Retirement) ]
School of Medicine, Medical Course, Basic Medicine, Physiology[Autonomous Function]
General physiology, Biophysics, Biomedical engineering/Biomaterial science and engineering

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