645 件中 41 - 60 件目
国際会議 :Orthopaedic Research Society, 59th Annual Meeting , 2013年01月 , San Antonio , Immune Modulatory Function of Human Meniscal Fibrochondrocytes
国際会議 :25th International Society for Technology in Arthroplasty in Sydney , 2012年10月 , Sydney , The Clinical Epicondylar Axis is Perpendicular to the Tibial Mechanical Axis in Case When a Balanced Gap Technique is Used in a Posterior-Stabilized Total Knee Arthroplasty.
国際会議 :20th Annual meeting of EORS in Amsterdam , 2012年09月 , Amsterdam , Relationship among Rotation Alignment of Femoral Component, Flexion Gap Balance and Tibial Mechanical Axis When a Balanced Gap Technique is used in Posterior-Stabilized Total Knee Arthroplasties.
国際会議 :第15回日仏整形外科学会 , 2012年09月 , 東京都 , The Correlation Between Bone Mineral Density (BMD) Around a Knee Joint and BMD at the Proximal Femur by Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry (DEXA)
国際会議 :The 22nd Japanese-Korean Combined Orthopaedic Symposium , 2012年06月 , 日光市 , Correlation between bone mineral density (BMD) around a knee joint and BMD at the proximal femur by dual-energy X-ray absorpiometry
国際会議 :22th JKCOS , 2012年06月 , Nikko , Rotation alignment of femoral component and flexion gap balance in cases when a balanced gap technique is used in a posterior-stabilized total knee arthroplasty
国際会議 :Orthopaedic Research Society, 57th Annual Meeting , 2011年01月 , Long Beach, USA , The calcineurin/NFAT inhibitor cyclosporine-a blocks orthopedic particle-stimulated osteoclastogenesis of human osteoclast precursor cells from THR patients and attenuates murine calvarial osteolysis
国際会議 :American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, 77th Annual Meeting , 2010年03月 , New Orleans, USA , Cemented Calcar Replacement Femoral Component in Revision Hybrid Total Hip Arthroplasty
国際会議 :Orthopaedic Research Society, 56th Annual Meeting , 2010年03月 , New Orleans, USA , Three-dimensional computed tomography analysis of non-osteoarthritic adult acetabular dysplasia
国際会議 :Orthopaedic Research Society, 56th Annual Meeting , 2010年03月 , New Orleans, USA , Intraoperative soft-tissue tension measurements during total hip arthroplasty
国際会議 :Orthopaedic Research Society, 56th Annual Meeting , 2010年03月 , New Orleans, USA , A prospective multi-institutional study about the etiology of hip osteoarthritis in Japan -The involvement of acetabular dysplasia
国際会議 : International Society of Technology in Arthroplasty, 22nd Annual Meeting , 2009年10月 , Hawaii, USA , In Vivo Femoral Head Damage and its Effect on Polyethylene Wear
国際会議 : International Society of Technology in Arthroplasty, 22nd Annual Meeting , 2009年10月 , Hawaii, USA , Asymmetric bony geometry at the antero-lateral and postero-lateral femoral head-neck junctions
国際会議 : International Society of Technology in Arthroplasty, 22nd Annual Meeting , 2009年10月 , Hawaii, USA , Asymmetric bony geometry at the antero-lateral and postero-lateral femoral head-neck junctions
国際会議 : International Society of Technology in Arthroplasty, 22nd Annual Meeting , 2009年10月 , Hawaii, USA , Incidence of deep venous thrombosis after pelvic osteotomy
国際会議 : International Society of Technology in Arthroplasty, 22nd Annual Meeting , 2009年10月 , Hawaii, USA , Intraoperative soft-tissue tension measurements of total hip arthroplasty
国際会議 :American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, 76th Annual Meeting , 2009年02月 ~ 2009年03月 , Las Vegas, USA , In Vivo Femoral Head Damage and its Effect on Polyethylene Wear
国際会議 :Orthopaedic Research Society, 55th Annual Meeting , 2009年02月 , Las Vegas, USA , In Vivo Femoral Head Damage and its Effect on Polyethylene Wear
国際会議 :Orthopaedic Research Society, 55th Annual Meeting , 2009年02月 , Las Vegas, USA , JNK inhibitor, SP600125 blocks PMMA particle-induced osteolysis in human osteoclast precursor cells and mice calvaria model
国際会議 :Orthopaedic Research Society, 55th Annual Meeting , 2009年02月 , Las Vegas, USA , Goal of bony resection in femoro-acetabular impingement: a 3d ct anatomic study
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