34 件中 1 - 34 件目
英語 :Tatsuhisa Takahashi, Jian Y, Wang S, Ikegami M, Yoshimura A, Miyazawa R, Watanabe S, Matsuo T, Yanagida H. , Identification of fragmented letters through minimum-distance interpolation. , Therapeutic Research, 37 (795 - 802) , 2016
英語 :Tatsuhisa Takahashi, Tadashi Saitoh, Yinlai Jiang, Shuoyu Wang, Akiyoshi Okada, Hirotaka Yanagida. , Effects of changes in the apparent viscosity of blood with vessel size on retinal microcirculation: Significance of the Fahraeus-Lindqvist effect. , Trans Jpn Soc Med Biol Eng (533 - 543) , 2011
英語 :Tatsuhisa Takahashi, Akiyoshi Okada, Tadashi Saitoh, Masanaga Ikegami, Hirotaka Yanagida. , Theoretical analysis of oxygen consumption by vascular walls exposed to hemodynamic stress in the human retinal microvascular network. , Trans Jpn Soc Med Biol Eng, 48 (482 - 493) , 2010
英語 :Takahashi T, Yanagida H, Wang S, Matsuo T, Okada A, Kuwayama T, Natsui N. , Minimum oxygen cost of human walking with geometrically similar leg movements. , Ther Res , 30 (113 - 124) , 2009
英語 :Akira Kamiya, Tatsuhisa Takahashi. , Quantitative assessments of morphological and functional properties of biological trees based on their fractal nature. , Journal of Applied Physiology, 102 (2315 - 2323) , 2007
英語 :Takahashi T, Hayano J, Okada A, Saitoh T, Kamiya A. , Effects of the muscle pump and body postures during recovery from cycle exercise. , Eur J Appl Physiol, 94 (576 - 583) , 2005 , (IF:1.619)
英語 :Hara N, Siuzuki K, Mikami S, Uchida J, Seito N, Tatsuhisa Takahashi , Combined therapy of extracorporeal shock waves and etidronate disodium as a potential treatment for post-traumatic myositis ossificans in the quadriceps muscle: A case report. , Submitting to Journal of Physiotherapy & Physical Rehabilitation, 5 (1 - 5) , 2020
英語 :Akihiro Ishibazawa, Taiji Nagaoaka, Harumasa Yokota, Atsushi Takahashi, Tsuneaki Omae, Young-Seok Song, Tatsuhisa Takahashi, Akitoshi Yoshida , Caracteristics of retinal neovascularization in proliferative diabetic retinopathy imaged by optical coherence tomography angiography , Investigative Ophthalmology, 57 (6247 - 6255) , 2016
英語 :Takashi Matsuo, Shinichi Watanabe, Mutsumi Sorimachi, Hidenobu Takano, Tatsuhisa Takahashi. , Blood flow velocity waveforms in the middle cerebral artery during cycle exercise and recovery , Artificial Life and Robotics , 2015
英語 :Takashi Matsuo, Shinichi Watanabe, Masato Nakakubo, Hidenobu Takano, Tatsuhisa Takahashi. , Form and function of arterial bifurcations in various parts of the animal body. , Artificial Life and Robotics, 18 (18 - 26) , 2013
英語 :Yinlai Jiang, Hirotaka Yanagida,Tatsuhisa Takahashi, Shuoyu Wang. , Bilateral frontal cortex activation during fragmented-letter identification is greater than that during complete-letter identification. , Trans Jpn Soc Med Biol Eng (50) (220 - 227) , 2012
英語 :Akihiro Ishibazawa, Taiji Nagaoka, Tatsuhisa Takahashi, Kimiko Yamamoto, Akira Kamiya, Joji Ando, Akitoshi Yoshida. , Effects of shear stress on the gene expression of endothelial nitric oxide synthase, endothelin-1, and thrombomodulin in human retinal microvascular endothelial cells. , Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science (52) (8496 - 8504) , 2011 , (IF:3.597)
英語 :Takashi Matsuo, Shinichi Watanabe, Mutsumi Sorimachi, Mizuta Kanda, Yuji Ohta Tatsuhisa Takahashi. , Blood flow velocity waveforms in the middle cerebral artery at rest and during exercise. , Artificial Life and Robotics (398 - 402) , 2011
英語 :Kyuichi Niizeki, Takanori Tominaga,Tadashi Saitoh, Izumi Nishida,Tatsuhisa Takahashi, Katsuo Uchida. , Effects of lower rhythmic cuff inflation on cardiovascular autonomic responses during quiet standing in healthy subjects. , Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol (300) (H1923 - H1929) , 2011 , (IF:3.708)
英語 :Yinlain Jiang, Masanaga Ikegami, Hirotaka Yanagida, Tatsuhisa Takahashi, Shuoyu Wang , The effect of age on the human ability to identify gragmented letters through visual interpolation. , Therapeutic Research, 31 (1049 - 1055) , 2010
英語 :Hong Han, Hirotaka Yanagida, ShuQiang Guo, Yasutaka Tamura, Tatsuhisa Takahashi , Image quality improvement of ultrasonic computed tomography on the basis of maximum likehood. , Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 49 (07HC12_1 - 07HC12_6) , 2010
英語 :Shinich Watanabe, Kazuo Tsuyuki, Katsumi Takahashi, Kunio Ebine, Takao Sakamoto, Takashi Matsuo, Kyuichi Niizeki, Tatsuhisa Takahashi , Hear rete response to oxygen uptake during graded exercise as an index of cardiopulmonary functional reserve in patient on hemodialysis. , The Journal of Rehabilitation Sport, 29 (2 - 6) , 2010
英語 :Yinlain Jiang, Masanaga Ikegami, Hirotaka Yanagida, Tatsuhisa Takahashi, Shuoyu Wang , Quantification of the human ability to identifying fragmented letters through visual interpolation. , Trans Jpn Soc Med Biol Eng, 48 (369 - 376) , 2010
英語 :Hirotaka Yanagida, Erika Umeki, Tadashi Saitoh, Masanaga Ikegami, Tatsuhisa Takahashi, Keiji Minagawa. , Ultarasonic polymerization of N-isoprolacrylamide below and above critical temperature. , Japanese Journal of Applied Physics (07HC12_1 - 07HC12_6) , 2010 , (IF:1.024)
英語 :Takahashi T, Nagaoka T, Yanagida H, Kamiya A, Lih Kuo, Yoshida A. , A mathematical model for hemodynamic distributions throughout the human retinal microvascular network. , J Biorheol, 23 (77 - 86) , 2009
英語 :Takahashi T, Yanagida H, Niizeki K, Wang S, Matsuo T, Watanabe S, Okada A, Kuwayama T, Natsui J. , Economical estimates of oxygen uptake as a function of gait parameters for an ambulatory monitoring system. , Ther Res , 30 (219 - 222) , 2009
英語 :Watanabe S, Matsuo T, Sorimachi M, Yanagida H, Takahashi T. , Comparison of blood flow velocity in the middle cerebral artery between women and men at rest and during exercise. , Ther Res , 30 (537 - 544) , 2009
英語 :Takahashi T, Saitoh T, Okada A, Matsuo T. , Differences in femoral artery blood velocity among active, inactive and passive recovery modes following knee extension and flexion exercise. , Ther Res, 27 (1393 - 1403) , 2006
英語 :Saitoh T, Nakajima T, Takahashi T, Kawahara K. , Changes in cardiovascular function on inhibition of apoptosis in left ventricular remodeling after myocardial infarction. , Cardiovasc Res, 15 (130 - 138) , 2006
英語 :Ikegami M, Ichitani Y, Takahashi T, Iwasaki T. , Compensatory increase in extracellular dopamine in the nucleus accumbens of adult rats with neonatal 6-hydroxydopamine treatment. , Jpn J Neuropsychopharmacol , 26 (111 - 117) , 2006
日本語 :西村宗修、渡邉紳一、風張愛、高橋龍尚 , 臨床工学士要請課程に所属する大学生のAED使用に関する意識調査 , 医療と検査機器・試薬, 46 (4) (183 - 186) , 2023
日本語 :渡邉紳一、鈴木大地、金澤汐里、泉敏朗、松尾崇、西村宗修、 高橋龍尚、 , 大学キャンパス内のAEDの設置場所や使用に関する大学生を対象とした意識調査 , 医療と検査機器・試薬, 42 (29 - 33) , 2019
日本語 :渡邉紳一、鈴木大地、金澤汐里、泉敏朗、松尾崇、西村宗修、 高橋龍尚、砂川憲彦 , 大学キャンパス内のAEDの設置場所や使用に関する大学生を対象とした意識調査 , 医療と検査機器・試薬, 42 (29 - 33) , 2019
日本語 :渡邉紳一,海老根東雄、露木和夫、大江裕一郎、大関秦宏、 高橋龍尚 , 柔道競技者におけるジュニア選手の競技者支援要員のアンチ・ドーピングに対する意識や理解度の実態 , Therapeutic Research, 36 (171 - 181) , 2015
日本語 :渡邉紳一,飯田哲也、砂川憲彦、本郷仁吾、高橋勝美、松尾崇、 高橋龍尚 , テーピング施術経験の違いが関節可動域・瞬発力・敏捷性にもたらす影響 , リハビリテーションスポーツ, 33 (2 - 7) , 2014
日本語 :渡邉紳一,岡本智徳、飯尾季葉、砂川憲彦、本郷仁吾、 高橋龍尚, 高橋勝美、松尾崇、小川恭弘 , 大学バスケットボール部におけるスポーツ傷害の特性に関する疫学的な後ろ向き調査からみた問題点について , リハビリテーションスポーツ, 32 (48 - 56) , 2013
日本語 :渡邉紳一,水澤琢也、砂川憲彦、本郷仁吾、 高橋龍尚, 反町睦、高橋勝美、松尾崇 , 関節可動域の計測経験がなくとも、正しい計測ができる可能性はある , 臨床スポーツ医学, 30 (1113 - 1117) , 2013
日本語 :齊藤 直 深見 忠典 柳田 裕隆 高橋 龍尚 新関 久一 , 近赤外分光法によるヘモグロビン濃度測定は血流速度変化の影響を受けない , 生体医工学, 49 (1) (185 - 190) , 2011
日本語 :郭樹強,柳田裕隆,範洪輝,高橋龍尚,田村安孝 , テンソルボーティングによる超音波画像強調 , 生体医工学, 47 (423 - 427) , 2009
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