456 件中 41 - 60 件目
国際会議 :The 20th Congress of Asian Society for Vascular Surgery , 2019年10月 , インドネシア , Revascularization of dialysis-dependent patients with PAD
国際会議 :The 20th Congress of Asian Society for Vascular Surgery , 2019年10月 , インドネシア , Bypass VS Endovascular for TASC C/D Femoropopliteal Lesion
国際会議 :The 2nd China-Japan Vascular Surgery Excellency Workshop -Beijing General Planning , 2019年08月 , 北京(中国) , Treatment for Chronic Limb threatening Ischemia in Japan
国際会議 :Vascular Annual Meeting 2019 , 2019年06月 , New York , The Factors Associated with Postoperative Ambulatory Function After Lower Extremity Bypass: The Importance of Wound Severity of WIFI Classification
国際会議 :Vascular Annual Meeting 2019 , 2019年06月 , New York , Current Status of CLTI Treatment in Japan: The Role and Training Program of Distal Bypass
国際会議 :1st Distal Bypass workshop in Asia , 2019年05月 , 東京 , Standard technique of distal bypass
国際会議 :Diabetic Limb Salvage Conference , 2019年04月 , WASHINGTON,D.C. , Angiosome Based Revascularization:What Does the Data Tell Us?
国際会議 :ESVS 32nd Annual Meeting , 2018年09月 , Valencia , Establishment of the first mobile telemedicine for aortic emergencies in Japan
国際会議 :60th Anniversary World Congress―ICA 2018 International College of Angiology , 2018年08月 , Treatment Strategy for Critical Limb Ischemia –How to Select Open surgery or Endovascular Treatment
国際会議 :TSVS 2018 PAD Open Surgery Conference , 2018年08月 , Indications for distal bypass
国際会議 :2nd Congress of Diabetic Limb Salvage in Asia , 2018年07月 , Importance of WIFI Classification on Selecting Adequate Revascularization Procedure
国際会議 :2018 VASCULAR ANNUAL MEETING(SVS) (2018 VASCULAR ANNUAL MEETING(SVS)) , 2018年06月 , The Influence of Postoperative Ambulatory Status on Graft Flow After Infrainguinal Bypass Surgery with Vein Grafts
国際会議 :2018 VASCULAR ANNUAL MEETING(SVS) (2018 VASCULAR ANNUAL MEETING(SVS)) , 2018年06月 , Clinical Outcomes of Surgical Revascularization for Patients with Threatened Limb Attributed to Pure Isolated Infrapopliteal Lesions
国際会議 :第22回 旭川医科大学第一外科学教室 同門会関連施設症例研究会 , 2018年06月 , 止血縫合デバイスを用い経皮的穿刺で施行したステントグラフト内挿術の一例
国際会議 :International Symposium CHARING CROSS (International Symposium CHARING CROSS) , 2018年04月 , London,United Kingdom , Clinical Results of the surgical reconstruction versus peripheral intervention in patients with critical limb ischaemia (SPINACH) study : Usefulness of WIFI classification for selection of revascularisation procedure (S)
国際会議 :The 1st JCS Council Forum on Basic Cardio Vascular Research (BCVR) , 2018年01月 , 東京 , Identification of Capillary stem cells having capillary formation and potent regenerative potency
国際会議 :The 1st JCS Council Forum on Basic Cardio Vascular Research (BCVR) , 2018年01月 , 東京 , Smooth Muscle Cells of Human veins Show An Increased Response to Injury at Valve Sites
国際会議 :9th. Asian PAD Workshop Management of PAD patients with diabetes , 2017年12月 , Korea Seoul , Trend in Japanese patients with critical limb ischemia
国際会議 :The 9th Catholic VESSEL Update &3rd COACT 2017 Joint Symposium , 2017年12月 , Korea Seoul , Bypass in situ vs reversed
国際会議 :44th VASCULAR ENDOVASCULAR ISSUES TECHNIQUES HORIZONS (VEITH) , 2017年11月 , New York , 3-Year Results Of The SPINACH Trial Show What Factors Are Important For Selecting Open Or Endovascular Treatment For CLT
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