21 - 40 of about 42
English: • Harabuchi Y, Takahara M, Kishibe K, Moriai S, Nagato T, Ishii H, Nasal natural killer (NK)/T-cell lymphoma: clinical, histological, virological, and genetic features. , Int J Clin Oncol , vol.14 (p.181 - 190) , 2009
English: • Yoshizaki T, Bandoh N, Nozawa H, Goto T, Kishibe K, Takahara M, Harabuchi Y, Up-regulation of CC chemokine receptor 6 on tonsillar T cells and its induction by in vitro stimulation with α-streptococci in patients with pustulosis palmaris et plantaris. , Clinical and Experimental Immunology , vol.157 (p.71 - 82) , 2009 , (IF:2.853)
English: • Moriai S, Takahara M, Ogino T, Nagato T, Kishibe K, Ishii H, Katayama A, Shimizu N, Harabuchi Y, Production of interferon -gamma- inducible protein-10 (IP-10) and its role as an autocrine invasion factor in nasal natural killer (NK)/T-cell lymphoma cells. , Clin Cancer Res , vol.15 (p.6771 - 6779) , 2009 , (IF:6.488)
English: • Goto T, Bandoh N, Yoshizaki T, Nozawa H, Takahara M, Ueda S, Hayashi T, Harabuchi Y, Increase in B-cell-activation factor (BAFF) and IFN-γ productions by tonsillar mononuclear cells stimulated with deoxycytidyl-deoxyguanosine oligodeoxynucleotides (CpG-ODN) in patients with IgA nephropathy , Clinical Immunology , vol.126 (p.260 - 269) , 2008 , (IF:3.606)
English: • Kobayashi H, Nagato T, Takahara M, Sato K, Kimura S, Aoki N, Azumi M, Tateno M, Harabuchi Y, Celis E, Induction of EBV-latent membrane protein 1-specific MHC class II-restricted T-cell responses against natural killer lymphoma cells , Cancer Res , vol.63 (8) (p.901 - 908) , 2008 , (IF:7.514)
English: • Katayama A, Ogino T, Bandoh N, Takahara M, Kishibe K, Nonaka S, Harabuchi Y , Overexpression of small ubiquitin-related modifier-1 and sumoylated Mdm2 in oral squamous cell carcinoma: possible involvement in tumor proliferation and prognosis. , Int J Oncol , vol.31 (p.517 - 524) , 2007 , (IF:2.234)
English: • Nagamine M, Takahara M, Kishibe K, Nagato T, Ishii H, Bandoh N, Ogino T, Harabuchi Y, Sequence variations of Epstein-Barr virus LMP1 gene in nasal NK/T-cell lymphoma. , Virus Genes , vol.34 (1) (p.319 - 322) , 2007 , (IF:1.376)
English: • Nozawa H, Takahara M, Yoshizaki T, Goto T, Bandoh N, Harabuchi Y, Selective expansion of TCR V beta 6 in tonsillar T-cells induced by H. parainfluenzae in patients with IgA nephropathy. , Clinical and Experimental Immunology , vol.151 (1) (p.25 - 33) , 2007 , (IF:2.853)
English: • Nagamine M, Kishibe K, Takahara M, Nagato T, Ishii H, Bandoh N, Ogino T, Harabuchi Y, Selected amino acid change encoding Epstein-Barr virus-specific T cell epitope of the LMP2A gene in Japanese nasal NK/T cell lymphoma patients. , Intervirology , vol.50 (5) (p.319 - 322) , 2007 , (IF:1.418)
English: • Nagamine M, Takahara M, Kishibe K, Nagato T, Ishii H, Bandoh N, Ogino T, Harabuchi Y, Sequence variations of Epstein-Barr virus LMP1 gene in nasal NK/T-cell lymphoma. , Virus Genes , vol.34 (p.47 - 54) , 2007 , (IF:1.376)
English: • Ishii H, Ogino T, Berger C, Köchli-Schmitz N, Nagato T, Takahara M, Nadal D, Harabuchi Y, Clinical usefulness of serum EBV DNA levels of BamHI W and LMP1 for Nasal NK/T-cell lymphoma. , J Med Virol , vol.79 (p.562 - 572) , 2007 , (IF:2.576)
English: • Shigyo H, Nonaka S, Katada A, Bandoh N, Ogino T, Katayama A, Takahara M, Hayashi T, Harabuchi Y, Inducible nitric oxide synthase expression in various laryngeal lesions in relation to carcinogenesis, angiogenesis, and patients' prognosis. , Acta Otolaryngol , vol.127 (p.970 - 979) , 2007 , (IF:0.868)
English: • Takahara,M, Kis LL, Nagy N, Liu. A, Harabuchi Y, Klein G, Klein E, Concomitant increase of LMP1 and CD25 expression induced by IL-10 in the EBV-positive NK lines SNK6 and KAI3. , Int J Cancer , vol.199 (12) (p.2775 - 2783) , 2006 , (IF:4.734)
English: • Kis LL, Takahara M, Nagy N, Klein G, Klein., IL-10 can induce the expression of EBV-encoded latent membrane protein-1 (LMP1) in the absence of EBNA2 in B lymphocytes and in Burkitt lymphoma and NK lymphoma derived cell lines , Blood , vol.1 (107) (p.2928 - 2935) , 2006 , (IF:10.432)
English: • Kis LL, Takahara M, Nagy N, Klein G, Klein E, Cytokine mediated induction of the major Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)-encoded transforming protein, LMP-1 , Immunol Lett , vol.15 (104) (p.83 - 88) , 2006 , (IF:2.858)
English: • Takahara M. Kishibe K. Nozawa H. Harabuchi Y, T-cell repertoire in the tonsils of patients with IgA nephropathy. , Acta Otolaryngol (Suppl(555)) (p.25 - 27) , 2005 , (IF:0.868)
English: • Takahara M, Kishibe,K, Nozawa,H, Harabuchi,Y, Increase of activated T-cells and up-regulation of Smad7 without elevation of TGF-beta expression in tonsils from patients with pustulosis palmaris et plantaris. , Clin Immunol , vol.115 (2) (p.192 - 199) , 2005 , (IF:3.606)
English: • Nagato T, Kobayashi H, Kishibe K, Takahara M, Ogino T, Ishii H, Oikawa K, Aoki N, Sato K, Kimura S, Shimizu N, Tateno. M, Harabuchi Y, Expression of interleukin-9 in nasal natural killer/T-cell lymphoma cell lines and patients. , Clin Cancer Res , vol.11 (23) (p.8250 - 8257) , 2005 , (IF:6.488)
English: • Nozawa H, Kishibe K, Takahara M, Harabuchi,Y., Expression of cutaneous lymphocyte-associated antigen (CLA) in tonsillar T-cells and its induction by in vitro stimulation with alpha-streptococci in patients with pustulosis palmaris et plantaris (PPP) , Clin Immunol, , vol.116 (1) (p.42 - 53) , 2005 , (IF:3.606)
English: • Kis LL, Nishikawa J, Takahara M, Nagy N, Matskova,L, Takada K, Elmberger PG, Ohlsson A, Klein G, Klein E, In vitro EBV-infected subline of KMH2, derived from Hodgkin lymphoma, expresses only EBNA-1, while CD40 ligand and IL-4 induce LMP-1 but not EBNA-2. , Int J Cancer , vol. 113 ((6)) (p.937 - 945) , 2005 , (IF:4.734)
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