Updated on 2025/02/14


Hospital Clinical Departments Obstetrics and Gynecology
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  • Doctor of Philosophy ( 2023.9   Asahikawa Medical College )

Research Interests

  • 産婦人科

  • 疫学

  • 周産期

Research Areas

  • Life Science / Obstetrics and gynecology


  • Asahikawa Medical College   Medical Related Research

    2020.10 - 2023.9

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    Country: Japan


  • Asahikawa Medical College   School of Medicine   Medical Course

    2004.3 - 2010.3

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    Country: Japan


Research History

  • Asahikawa Medical College   Obstetrics and Gynecology   Assistant Professor


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  • Osaka Women's and Children's Hospital   Maternal fetal medicine

    2018.9 - 2019.9

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  • 大阪母子医療センター   産科   非常勤医師

    2017.4 - 2018.8

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  • 名寄市立総合病院   産婦人科   医員

    2015.4 - 2017.3

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  • Asahikawa Medical College


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Professional Memberships

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Committee Memberships

  • 日本周産期・新生児医学会   評議員  


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    Committee type:Academic society


  • 日本産科婦人科学会   幹事  


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    Committee type:Academic society



  • Association between maternal multimorbidity and neurodevelopment of offspring: a prospective birth cohort study from the Japan Environment and Children’s Study

    Takanobu Akagi, Yasuaki Saijo, Eiji Yoshioka, Yukihiro Sato, Kentaro Nakanishi, Yasuhito Kato, Ken Nagaya, Satoru Takahashi, Yoshiya Ito, Hiroyoshi Iwata, Takeshi Yamaguchi, Chihiro Miyashita, Sachiko Ito, Reiko Kishi

    BMJ Open   14 ( 8 )   e082585 - e082585   2024.8

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:BMJ  


    To investigate the association between multimorbidity during pregnancy and neurodevelopmental delay in offspring using data from a Japanese nationwide birth cohort study.


    This study was a prospective birth cohort study.


    This study population included 104 059 fetal records who participated in The Japan Environment and Children’s Study from 2011 to 2014.


    Pregnant women whose children had undergone developmental testing were included in this analysis.

    Primary and secondary outcome measures

    Neurodevelopment of offspring was assessed using the Japanese version of the Ages and Stages Questionnaire, third edition, comprising five developmental domains. The number of comorbidities among the pregnant women was categorised as zero, single disease or multimorbidity (two or more diseases). Maternal chronic conditions included in multimorbidity were defined as conditions with high prevalence among women of reproductive age. A multivariate logistic regression analysis was conducted to examine the association between multimorbidity in pregnant women and offspring development.


    Pregnant women with multimorbidity, single disease and no disease accounted for 3.6%, 30.6% and 65.8%, respectively. The ORs for neurodevelopmental impairment during the follow-up period were similar for infants of mothers with no disease comorbidity and those with a single disease comorbidity. However, the ORs for neurodevelopmental impairment were significantly higher for children born to mothers with multimorbidity compared with those born to healthy mothers.


    An association was observed between the number of comorbidities in pregnant women and developmental delay in offspring. Multimorbidity in pregnant women may be associated with neurodevelopmental delay in their offspring. Further research is required in this regard in many other regions of the world.

    DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2023-082585


  • Maternal pre-pregnancy body mass index and related factors: A cross-sectional analysis from the Japan Environment and Children’s Study

    Yasuaki Saijo, Eiji Yoshioka, Yukihiro Sato, Yuki Kunori, Tomoko Kanaya, Kentaro Nakanishi, Yasuhito Kato, Ken Nagaya, Satoru Takahashi, Yoshiya Ito, Hiroyoshi Iwata, Takeshi Yamaguchi, Chihiro Miyashita, Sachiko Itoh, Reiko Kishi

    PLOS ONE   19 ( 6 )   e0304844 - e0304844   2024.6

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Public Library of Science (PLoS)  

    Socioeconomic status and smoking are reportedly associated with underweight and obesity; however, their associations among pregnant women are unknown. This study aimed to investigate whether socioeconomic factors, namely educational attainment, household income, marital status, and employment status, were associated with pre-pregnancy body mass index (BMI) categories, including severe-moderate underweight (BMI ≤ 16.9 kg/m<sup>2</sup>), mild underweight (BMI, 17.0–18.4 kg/m<sup>2</sup>), overweight (BMI, 25.0–29.9 kg/m<sup>2</sup>), and obese (BMI ≥ 30.0 kg/m<sup>2</sup>) among Japanese pregnant women using data from the Japan Environment and Children’s Study (JECS). In total, pregnant women were included 96,751. Age- and parity-adjusted multivariable multinomial logistic regression analyses assessed socioeconomic factors and smoking associations with falling within abnormal BMI categories (normal BMI as the reference group). Lower education and lower household were associated with overweight and obesity, and, especially, lowest education and household income had relatively higher point estimate relative ratios (RRs) of 3.97 and 2.84, respectively. Regarding the risks for underweight, however, only junior high school education had a significantly higher RR for severely to moderately underweight. Regarding occupational status, homemakers or the unemployed had a higher RR for severe-moderate underweight, overweight, and obesity. Unmarried, divorced, or bereaved women had significantly higher RRs for mildly underweight status. Quitting smoking early in pregnancy/still smoking had higher RRs for all four not having normal BMI outcomes; however, quitting smoking before pregnancy had a higher RR only for obese individuals. Lower educational attainment and smoking are essential intervention targets for obesity and severe-moderate underweight prevention in younger women. Lower household income is also a necessary target for obesity.

    DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0304844


  • Telemedicine for Pregnant Women on a Japanese Remote Island: A Two-year Report.

    Yuta Ishikawa, Kentaro Nakanishi, Akio Masuda, Misa Hayasaka, Ai Tsumura, Koji Murakami, Takeshi Umazume, Tetsuzou Masuda, Kunihiko Nishiwaki, Yasuhito Kato

    JMA journal   6 ( 4 )   499 - 504   2023.10

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    INTRODUCTION: Remote antenatal checkups were conducted on the northernmost island of Japan to reduce the burden of hospital visits among pregnant women. This study aims to investigate the effectiveness and safety of remote antenatal checkups for pregnant women living on a remote island. METHODS: This observational study included singleton pregnancies on Rebun Island between October 2020 and September 2022. General surgeons conducted medical interviews and performed fetal sonography using an obstetrician videoconference system at the main central hospital. The primary outcomes were the degrees of physical, mental, and economic burdens of hospital visits and the levels of anxiety and satisfaction with remote antenatal checkups as assessed using a questionnaire survey. Moreover, we investigated the incidence of adverse perinatal events, including maternal death, fetal death, neonatal death, severe neonatal neurological disorders, and other obstetric complications. RESULTS: This study included 16 out of 22 pregnant women from Rebun Island who visited the central hospital. No adverse perinatal events occurred as a result of the remote antenatal checkups. One pregnant woman had gestational diabetes, whereas the others had no obstetric complications. The participants underwent a median of two remote antenatal checkups. According to a questionnaire survey, 90.0%, 80.0%, and 70.0% of the pregnant women perceived improvements in their physical, mental, and economic burdens, respectively. Although 70.0% of the participants experienced anxiety regarding remote antenatal checkups before the introduction, all were satisfied after delivery. CONCLUSIONS: Remote antenatal checkups effectively reduced the burden of hospital visits for pregnant women, who reported high levels of satisfaction. Furthermore, antenatal checkups were safely conducted on remote islands.

    DOI: 10.31662/jmaj.2022-0195



  • Early abdominal wall ectopic pregnancy treated with laparoscopic surgery: A case report and literature review

    Yuta Ishikawa, Kentaro Nakanishi, Ai Tsumura, Koji Murakami, Kunihiko Nishiwaki

    Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Research   49 ( 10 )   2544 - 2548   2023.7

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Wiley  


    The abdominal wall is a rare site of ectopic implantation. Laparoscopic surgery for early abdominal pregnancy, in contrast to its use for tubal ectopic pregnancy, remains controversial because of concerns regarding heavy bleeding at the implantation site. Treatment of early abdominal pregnancy must be individualized for each implantation site. Herein, we present a case of an early abdominal pregnancy implanted in the anterior abdominal wall that was successfully treated with laparoscopic surgery. A 28‐year‐old multiparous woman with a 6‐week amenorrhea presented with acute abdominal pain. An ectopic pregnancy was suspected because of elevated serum human chorionic gonadotropin levels without a visible gestational sac on transvaginal ultrasonography. Diagnostic laparoscopy revealed a gestational sac hanging from the anterior abdominal wall near the previous cesarean section wound. Laparoscopic surgery was successfully performed, and the patient was discharged on postoperative day three. In the present case, laparoscopic surgery was beneficial.

    DOI: 10.1111/jog.15739



  • Association between maternal multimorbidity and preterm birth, low birth weight and small for gestational age: a prospective birth cohort study from the Japan Environment and Children’s Study

    Kentaro Nakanishi, Yasuaki Saijo, Eiji Yoshioka, Yukihiro Sato, Yasuhito Kato, Ken Nagaya, Satoru Takahashi, Yoshiya Ito, Sumitaka Kobayashi, Chihiro Miyashita, Atsuko Ikeda-Araki, Reiko Kishi

    BMJ Open   13 ( 3 )   e069281 - e069281   2023.3

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:BMJ  


    Multimorbidity is defined as the coexistence of two or more chronic physical or psychological conditions within an individual. The association between maternal multimorbidity and adverse perinatal outcomes such as preterm delivery and low birth weight has not been well studied. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate this association.


    We conducted a prospective cohort study using data from the Japan Environment and Children’s Study of pregnant women between 2011 and 2014. Those with data on chronic maternal conditions were included in the study and categorised as having no chronic condition, one chronic condition or multimorbidities. The primary outcomes were the incidence of preterm birth (PTB), low birth weight (LBW) and small for gestational age (SGA). Adjusted logistic regression was performed to estimate ORs (aORs) and 95% CIs.


    Of the 104 062 fetal records, 86 885 singleton pregnant women were analysed. The median maternal age and body mass index were 31 years and 20.5 kg/m<sup>2</sup>, respectively. The prevalence of pregnant women with one or more chronic conditions was 40.2%. The prevalence of maternal multimorbidity was 6.3%, and that of PTB, LBW, and SGA were 4.6%, 8.1%, and 7.5%, respectively. Pre-pregnancy underweight women were the most common, observed in 15.6% of multimorbidity cases, followed by domestic violence from intimate partner in 13.0%. Maternal multimorbidity was significantly associated with PTB (aOR 1.50; 95% CI 1.33–1.69), LBW (aOR 1.49; 95% CI 1.35–1.63) and SGA (aOR 1.33; 95% CI 1.20–1.46).


    Maternal multimorbidity was associated with adverse perinatal outcomes, including PTB, LBW and SGA. The risk of adverse perinatal outcomes tends to increase with a rise in the number of chronic maternal conditions. Multimorbidity becomes more prevalent among pregnant women, making our findings important for preconception counselling.

    DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2022-069281


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  • 重篤な合併症を伴い入院管理を要した摂食障害妊婦の4例

    酒井 美穂, 土川 恵, 石川 雄大, 中西 研太郎, 吉澤 明希子, 金井 麻子, 横浜 祐子, 加藤 育民

    日本周産期・新生児医学会雑誌   60 ( Suppl.1 )   P311 - P311   2024.6

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本周産期・新生児医学会  


  • 双胎妊娠107例における分娩時異常出血と分娩前の血液凝固検査の関係についての検討

    石川 雄大, 土川 恵, 酒井 美穂, 中西 研太郎, 吉澤 明希子, 金井 麻子, 横浜 祐子, 加藤 育民

    日本周産期・新生児医学会雑誌   60 ( Suppl.1 )   P223 - P223   2024.6

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本周産期・新生児医学会  


  • 妊娠中期までアンジオテンシンII受容体拮抗薬を内服し,内服中止後に胎児水腫となったが生児を得た一例

    金井 麻子, 横浜 祐子, 吉澤 明希子, 中西 研太郎, 石川 雄大, 酒井 美穂, 土川 恵, 加藤 育民

    日本周産期・新生児医学会雑誌   60 ( Suppl.1 )   P252 - P252   2024.6

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本周産期・新生児医学会  


  • 妊娠14週に自然隔膜破綻をきたしたが2児生存した一絨毛膜二羊膜双胎妊娠の一例

    中西 研太郎, 石川 雄大, 金井 麻子

    超音波医学   51 ( Suppl. )   S603 - S603   2024.4

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(公社)日本超音波医学会  


  • 子宮底部横切開による帝王切開5例の検討

    佐藤 湊斗, 石川 雄大, 中西 研太郎, 吉澤 明希子, 金井 麻子, 横浜 祐子, 加藤 育民

    日本産科婦人科学会雑誌   76 ( 臨増 )   S - 652   2024.2

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(公社)日本産科婦人科学会  


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  • 妊娠前の母体の健康と周産期予後との関連:エコチル調査より Invited

    中西 研太郎

    第70回北日本産科婦人科学会 総会・学術講演会  2023.9 

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    Event date: 2023.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  



  • 第38回日本糖尿病・妊娠学会年次学術集会 若手奨励賞

    2022.11   日本糖尿病・妊娠学会   糖尿病を合併した日本人妊婦における先天異常と妊娠第1三半期のHbA1c値の検討


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Research Projects

  • 妊産婦の骨格筋量が産後のメンタルヘルスに与える影響の解明

    Grant number:22K10549  2022.4 - 2025.3

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C)  基盤研究(C)

    中西 研太郎

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    Authorship:Principal investigator 

    Grant amount:\1,820,000 ( Direct Cost: \1,400,000 、 Indirect Cost:\420,000 )


  • 遠隔妊婦健診・診療の社会実装研究:出生率の上昇を目指して北海道から全国へ

    2020.4 - 2021.3

    国立研究開発法人科学技術振興機構  研究成果展開事業 センター・オブ・イノベーション(COI)プログラム 令和2年度 COI若手連携研究ファンド 

    馬詰武, 中西研太郎, 染谷真行

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    Authorship:Principal investigator 
