249 件中 41 - 60 件目
国際会議 :The 104th Annual Meeting of American Urological Association , 2009年04月 , Chicago, IL, USA , Effect of patial outlet obstruction on the morphrogy of Elastin in rabbit bladder smooth muscle
国際会議 :The 38th Annual Meeting of International Continence Society , 2008年10月 , Cairo, Egypt, , The effects of selective alpha1-adorenergic of benign prostatic hypertrophy patients -A study for comparing three treatment groups of Silodosin, Tamsulosin or Naftopidil-.
国際会議 :The 38th Annual Meeting of the International Continence Society , 2008年10月 , Cairo, Egypt , Effects of tamsulosin on bladder blood flow and bladder function in rats with bladder outlet obstruction
国際会議 :The 38th Annual Meeting of the International Continence Society , 2008年10月 , Cairo, Egypt , Establishment of a bladder ischemia/reperfusion- induced bladder overactivity model and the effects of tamsulosin on bladder blood flow and bladder function in that model
国際会議 :The 103th Annual Meeting of American Urological Association , 2008年05月 , Orland, FL, USA , Effects of tamsulosin on bladder blood flow and bladder function in rats with bladder outlet obstruction
国際会議 :The 103th Annual Meeting of American Urological Association , 2008年05月 , Orland, FL, USA , Establishment of a bladder ischemia/reperfusion- induced bladder overactivity model and the effects of tamsulosin on bladder blood flow and bladder function in that model
国際会議 :The 37th Annual Meeting of International Continence Society , 2007年08月 , Rotterdam, Netherland , Correlative study on the effect of Eviprostat between the clinical parameters and oxidative stress (urinary 8-OHdG) in the treatment of the lower urinary tract symptoms associated with BPH (BPH/LUTS) and on urinary 8-OHdG content in rabbit BOO model
国際会議 :The 37th Annual Meeting of International Continence Society , 2007年08月 , Rotterdam, Netherland , Effects of deep brain stimulation on urodynamic findings in patients with Parkinson's disease
国際会議 :The 37th Annual Meeting of International Continence Society , 2007年08月 , Rotterdam, Netherland , PDE5 inhibitor (vardenafil) protects rat bladder from partial outlet obstruction - induced contractile dysfunction
国際会議 :The 102th Annual Meeting of American Urological Association , 2007年05月 , Anaheim, CA, USA , Bladder protective effects of PDE5 inhibitor – Efficacy of vardenafil on rat bladder with outlet obstruction –
国際会議 :102th Annual Meeting of AUA , 2007年05月 , Anaheim, CA, USA , Distribution of elastin fiber in prostate
国際会議 :The 8th Triennial Meeting of the German-Japanese Confederation of Urology , 2007年03月 , Tokyo, Japan , Edaravone protects against ischemia / reperfusion - induced morphological and functional changes in rat urinary bladder
国際会議 :The 36th Annual Meeting of the International Continence Society , 2006年11月 , Christchurch, New Zealand , Edaravone protects against ischemia/reperfusion- induced morphological and functional changes in rat urinary bladder
国際会議 :The 36th Annual Meeting of International Continence Society , 2006年11月 , Christchurch, New Zealand , Effect of alpha-blocker before TURP in terms of its dosing period
国際会議 :36th Annual Meeting of ICS , 2006年11月 , Christchurch, New Zealand , Distribution of elastin fiber in prostate
国際会議 :The 23rd Japan-Korea Urological Congress , 2006年09月 , Nara, Japan , Effect of Edaravone on ischemia/reperfusion injury in rat urinary bladder -Changes in smooth muscle cell phenotype and contractile function-
国際会議 :The 8th Asian Congress of Urology (ACU) , 2006年08月 , BICC-Westin Resort Nusa Dua, Bali , Bladder Outlet Obstruction Promotes BBN - induced Bladder Carcinogenesis in Rat.
国際会議 :The 9th Congress of the Asian Society of Transplantation , 2005年12月 , Karachi, Pakistan , Creatol, an Oxidative Product of Creatinine in Kidney Tansplant Patients, as a Useful Determinant of Renal Function; A Preliminary Study
国際会議 :The 9th Congress of the Asian Society of Transplantation , 2005年12月 , Karachi, Pakistan , Can monitoring of serum 8-OHdG level for two hours after renal transplantation predict prognosis of the graft?
国際会議 :The 21th Annual Meeting of Urological Research Society (URS) , 2005年11月 , Boston, USA , Bladder outlet obstruction accelerates carcinogenesis of the bladder
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