249 件中 1 - 20 件目
国際会議 :Société Internationale d'Urologie , 2019年10月 , Athens, Greece , Voiding Time in Geriatric Women.
国際会議 :International Continence Society , 2019年09月 , Gothenburg, Sweden , Prevalence of lower urinary tract symptoms in patients with fecal incontinence: an evaluation of double incontinence
国際会議 :European Association of Urology , 2018年03月 , Copenhagen, Danmark , A new penile tumescence and hardness monitoring device, its design concept and prototyping.
国際会議 :International Continence Society , 2017年09月 , Tokyo, Japan , Digestive symptoms associated with α1-adrenoceptor antagonists therapy in patients with lower urinary tract symptoms suggestive of benign prostatic hyperplasia (LUTS/BPH).
国際会議 :Société Internationale d'Urologie , 2016年10月 , Buenos Aires, Argentina , Role of mast cells in mice with cyclophosphamide induced cystitis.
国際会議 :International Continence Society , 2016年09月 , Tokyo, Japan , Development and Utility Evaluation of New Uroflowmetry Device using 40KHz Airborne Ultrasound and K-band (24 GHz) Wearable Continuous Wave Doppler System for External Urodynamics Study.
国際会議 :The 45th Annual Meeting of the International Continence Society , 2015年10月 , Montrreal, Canada , New uroflowmetry measurement by wearable airborne ultrasound continence wave Doppler System.
国際会議 :The 45th Annual Meeting of the International Continence Society , 2015年10月 , Montrreal, Canada , A prevalence study of lower urinary tract symptoms in female patients with fecal incontinence.
国際会議 :The 110th Annual Meeting of American Urological Association , 2015年05月 , New Orleans, LA, USA , Analysis of factors affecting post-operative split renal function after partial nephrectomy using R.E.N.A.L. nephrometry score.
国際会議 :The 110th Annual Meeting of American Urological Association , 2015年05月 , New Orleans, LA, USA , Associations between Human Autonomic Nervous System Activity and Urinary Frequency using 24-hour ambulatory electrocardiography
国際会議 :The 110th Annual Meeting of American Urological Association , 2015年05月 , New Orleans, LA, USA , Dutasteride improves bone mineral density in aging male: a preliminary study
国際会議 :The 110th Annual Meeting of American Urological Association , 2015年05月 , New Orleans, LA, USA , Impact of testosterone deficiency on bladder smooth muscle function in male rats with bladder outlet obstruction.
国際会議 :The 44th Annual Meeting of the International Continence Society , 2014年10月 , Rio de Janeiro, Brazil , The development of the rat model with prostate hyperplasia and detrusor underactivity induced sex hormones in male castrated Wister rat.
国際会議 :The 109th Annual Meeting of American Urological Association (The 109th Annual Meeting of American Urological Association ) , 2014年05月 , Orland, FL, USA , Bladder function in a rat model of benign prostatic hyperplasia induced with sex hormones in male Wister rat
国際会議 :The 109th Annual Meeting of American Urological Association (The 109th Annual Meeting of American Urological Association ) , 2014年05月 , Orland, FL, USA , Change of urinary nerve growth factor in patients treated with dutasteride reflects the reduction of prostate volume and improvement of obstruction
国際会議 :4th Congress of Asian Pacific Prostate Society , 2014年03月 , Okinawa, Japan , Panel Discussion in Male LUTS. Topic: Management of Male LUTS - Clinical Case Discussion
国際会議 :NOKIA Sensing XCHALLENGE 2013 (Challenge #1) , 2013年09月 ~ 2013年10月 , Santa Clara, CA, USA , ABUS-urodynamics
国際会議 :The 43th Annual Meeting of the International Continence Society (The 43th Annual Meeting of the International Continence Society ) , 2013年08月 , Barcelona, Spain , Bladder function in 17ß-Estradiol-Induced Nonbacterial Prostatitis Model of the Rat.
国際会議 :The 43th Annual Meeting of the International Continence Society (The 43th Annual Meeting of the International Continence Society ) , 2013年08月 , Barcelona, Spain , Effects of chronic treatment with cilostazol, a phosphodiesterase 3 inhibitor, on the rat bladder with partial bladder outlet obstruction.
国際会議 :The 108th Annual Meeting of American Urological Association (The 108th Annual Meeting of American Urological Association ) , 2013年05月 , San Diego, California , Development and Utility Evaluation of New Uroflowmetry Device Using Wearable Airborne Ultrasound Doppler System.
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